art therapy

a holistic way of noticing and processing

Art therapy is the combination of art making and counselling. It’s based on the belief that creative self-expression and guided reflection can help us understand ourselves and our experiences. 

Who art therapy is for:

  • Maybe you don’t have the words for what you’re going through, but you still want to understand and process your emotions

  • Maybe you’re moving through some big changes and need a place to put them that’s not just in your head

  • Maybe you want to practice a new way of caring for yourself that utilizes your creativity and can be fun

  • Maybe you want to figure out how to be creative with less judgement towards yourself

  • Maybe you haven’t used art supplies in a long time, but are intrigued by trying a different approach to counselling

Art therapy can help with:

  • noticing how you actually feel 

  • moving through intense emotions

  • exploring different ways to be present in your body

  • expressing anger in a safe and supported way

  • exploring relationships between intersecting identities

  • shifting out of numbness

  • releasing judgement about your feelings and experiences

  • expressing boundaries in a more tangible way

  • discovering patterns of emotions and behaviours

What to expect in a session:

  • You don’t need to identify as an artist or have any experience with art supplies to benefit from art therapy.

  • I may suggest open-ended prompts based on your goals, or I may invite you to create a metaphor you’ve spoken about.

  • At any point during a session, you can choose to draw, paint, sculpt, etc. - you don’t have to wait for my invitation!

  • Sometimes we may work with art materials to bring you back to the present moment, to help ground you. Other times, we may work with art to turn towards an emotion and process it.

  • We’ll focus on your internal experience about the art making process, as well as what you think and feel about what you created. I won’t be interpreting or diagnosing based on what you make.

Still have some questions?

Ask away! We want you to be comfortable and confident starting your counselling and art therapy journey.

*Please do not include any sensitive personal information.

Move through stuck feelings with art therapy.